MOC Madness Round Two Update: Deadline Extended To Wednesday Night
In a rare turn of events we've decided to give all you builders couple more days to complete and submit your ships for this...
Amazon/Walmart Price Wars Part II
Lately, Amazon seems to be making a push to be the number 1 online toy shop matching prices left and right. Whenever has...
HispaBrick 14 Available Now
The latest issue of HispaBrick is ready for download and its got some familiar faces. Here's the rundown in their own words:
In this new...
MOC Madness Update: Now YOU Can Participate
You, yes you, that guy there, that guy who didn't join before June 30th. YOU are now eligible to enter our MOC Madness 2010...
Star Wars Advent Calendar – Day 22
Day 22 - A-wing
Call the Rebel Pilot again, he's been a very good boy this year. Another tiny model pulled off rather well with...
First Full Trailer For Star Wars Rebels
May the Fourth brought a full minute trailer for the new Rebels show, due to hit this fall. It gives a quick glance at...
Six More Years of LEGO Games
This article about the working relationship between Warner Bros. Interactive/Traveler's Tales and LEGO appeared last week on An excerpt below:
The publisher (and developer's)...