10219 Maersk Train Now Available
In all the tomfoolery yesterday, I neglected to notice the new 10219 Maersk Train is now available. If you've been waiting for it... you...
10219 Maersk Train Revealed
Unveiled moments ago at LEGO World is the next LEGO Shop@Home Exclusive: 10219 Maersk Train. Weighing in at 1,234 pieces, it'll cost you...
A Good Look at the 10219 Maersk Container Train
Eurobricks has shared some nice new images of 10219 Maersk Container Train.
Here's what we know so far:
10129 Maersk Train
1235 pieces
Power Functions Ready (sold separately)
10155 Maersk Container Ship Now Available
If you missed this from... 7 years ago... you now have a chance to buy a re-release of 10152 Maersk Container Ship. LEGO put...
Micro Maersk Transport
This is a micro-scale Maersk transport by Peter Reid (legoloverman).
It is rad.
Yes, Maersk is a license.