FBTB Staff’s Best of 2020 – The Rest
If there's anything that can be taken out of 2020, the year that may have finally broken us all, it's that everyone had some...
FBTB Staff’s Best of 2020 – TV / Movies / Streaming
Any other year and maybe we break these into other categories, but when the highest grossing film of the year in the US turns...
Disney announces so many New Marvel shows and teasers
It wasn't just Star Wars announced by Disney, since they're apparently trying to overwhelm all of my nerd sensibilities. Between the Star Wars news,...
Marvel announces Kamala Khan actress and new documentary series on Disney+ called 616
Over the past couple of days, Marvel has been continuing to churn along with their casting and streaming news. They may not be releasing...
The BAMF Himself is Returning for a Nick Fury Disney+ Show
I remember sitting in the theater during Iron Man with a friend, and watching the stinger at the end that revealed Samuel L. Jackson...
WandaVision Official Trailer Brings the Weird
Okay, yeah... that was, something. Actually, if you're a fan of Marvel Comics and have been following them for awhile, it was specifically two...
Gotham Knights Shown Off and I’m Not Excited
I'm not a fan of either DC or open world games, so this article's tone might have a less than optimistic tilt to it.
Sony, Marvel, and Square|Enix team up to anger a lot of fans, make Spider-Man...
It's amazing what can come along and burst your hype bubble; sometimes, it's saying how a product won't have NPCs (Fallout 76), sometimes it's...
Marvel’s Avengers Announces Beta Dates, Hawkeye as post-launch character
This game continues to confound and confuse me... I love Marvel and desperately want a comic game, but I generally don't like live service...
Teaser for upcoming Disney+ MCU titles
It's commerical time, because the Super Bowl was last night, and that means that all of the new trailers and things were up. Honestly,...