Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Year of Polybags 56/260: 30383 Naboo Starfighter Review

You know, when I pulled today's polybag, 30383 Naboo Starfighter, out of the polybag bin, I realized how long it's been since we've gotten...

A Year of Polybags 78/260: 30243 Umbaran MHC Review

Ahhh... the Umbaran MHC. Some vehicle from the Clone Wars cartoon that I have absolutely no frame of reference for. I'm not even sure...

A Year of Polybags 91/260: 40298 DJ Review

Another minifig polybag with a stand. But that's not a complaint, I just wish they made more than the handful of mostly forgettable /...

A Year of Polybags 92/260: 40300 Han Solo Mudtrooper Review

Gah! Another one! Just like yesterday's DJ minifig review, I must begrudgingly give this polybag a thumbs up simply because of it's uniqueness. And...

A Year of Polybags 101/260: 40299 Kessel Mine Worker Review

Today's polybag, 40299 Kessel Mine Worker, is, hopefully, the last mediocre display stand + minifig polybag I ever have to review. Like most of the...

A Year of Polybags 106/260: 6964 Boba Fett’s Slave I Review

This is not the first time a mini Slave I has been reviewed. The previous version, 20019 Slave I, was a Brickmaster set and...

A Year of Polybags 108/260: 8033 General Grievous’ Starfighter Review

I'm a little late on this one but bear with me, we'll get back on track soon enough. Grievous' Starfighter is, in my opinion, one...

A Year of Polybags 107/260: 30059 MTT Review

Another Clone Wars-deco vehicle, another review where I try and sound like I know what I'm talking about. Still haven't watched the cartoon, and...

A Year of Polybags 111/260: Brickmaster 20007 Republic Attack Cruiser Review

Just when I thought I was done with LEGO Star Wars minis, this came up randomly for today's review. I know I joke a...

A Year of Polybags 109/260: 30051 Mini X-wing

Today's set, 30051 Mini X-wing, is the third X-wing mini polybag I've reviewed. One was a sequel trilogy X-wing, 30386 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter,...