The latest issue of HispaBrick is ready for download and its got some familiar faces. Here’s the rundown in their own words:
In this new edition, Garry King presents his fleet of ships of the hit series Battlestar Galactica, Akiyuki Kawaguchi we marvel with modules GBC, Katie Walker teaches us to do mosaics with cheese slopes and interviewed the creator Bruce Lowell .
I explained how many of the projects of AFOLs can become a reality, either by LEGO ® CUUSOO or through Crowdfunding .
Section Pillars community this time we have the cooperation of The Brothers Brick and I tell our participation in various events that have taken place in recent months, and several reviews and tutorials LDraw, MINDSTORMS and Pneumatics.
And do not miss the second installment of the system MILS , a modular system composed of landscapes developed by a member of our community.
All that and a tribute to everybody’s favourite astromech*. What more could you ask for?**
* If he’s not, It’s Ok I don’t need to know who is.
** No need to answer that either.