LEGO Star Wars Review: 75208 Yoda’s Hut
I really wanted to like 75208 Yoda's Hut. The idea and what it was trying to do intrigued me enough to get me out...
Review: 75177 First Order Heavy Scout Walker
Out of all of the The Last Jedi LEGO sets, reviewing 75177 First Order Heavy Scout Walker was near the top of the "Can't...
Review: 6869 Quinjet Aerial Battle
Every once and a while, there comes a LEGO set I can’t put down. There is something about it that feels right, whether in...
Review: 4504 Millennium Falcon
One of the first things I noticed about the Falcon box was that it featured a flip-up front cover like some of the older...
Review: 7778 MIDI-scale Millennium Falcon
When 7778 MIDI-scale Millennium Falcon was announced with a preliminary (read as: leaked) box shot, people were up in arms about this set. Most...
Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Okay, I think I've put in enough time into this game to do a review. Which isn't much if I'm being honest. According to...
Review: Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens
Life can be a funny thing, sometimes. I started writing this review December 18th, 2015, after I'd slept through a midnight showing of Force...
Review: 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium
For as much as Return of the Jedi gets knocked by bitter people and hipsters who love to hate on things that make you happy,...
Review: 70612 Green Ninja Mech Dragon
That thing started happening again. No, not forgotten Amazon pre-orders showing up unexpectedly. That thing where posting on the site started to feel like...
Movie Review: Tron Legacy
Tron: Legacy is a basic story wrapped up in a shiny, beautiful coat of paint. Probably like a #7DD2DA color, provided that Lowe’s sells...