Tuesday, January 21, 2025
4501 Millennium Falcon

Review: 4504 Millennium Falcon

One of the first things I noticed about the Falcon box was that it featured a flip-up front cover like some of the older...

Review: 10143 Death Star II

A long time ago, in a forum far, far away, there was a discussion of what could be candidates for future UCS models. There...

Review: 21050 Architecture Studio

This set seemingly came out of nowhere. Either that or I haven't been paying that much attention. Soon after I posted about the LEGO...

Review: Captain America – The First Avenger

Full disclosure... this is  my favorite of the Phase I Marvel movies; I enjoy it more than the Avengers and the original Iron Man...

Review: 7679 Republic Fighter Tank

I'll preface this review by saying there are not many vehicle designs from the Prequels or Clone Wars that I like. It's not that...

Review: 76021 The Milano Spaceship Rescue

Every generation has that one girl that guys (and some girls) identify with in popular culture... that girl that we watched grow up right...

Review: 75267 Mandalorian Battle Pack

I can't remember the last time we reviewed a Battle Pack around here. We may never have. They're mostly simple little builds where the...

Review: Monopoly Gamer Mario Kart

I hate Monopoly. I don't know why it's such a popular game. It takes hours and hours to play; it takes forever just to...

Review: 75254 AT-ST Raider

If you did a cursory glance at the LEGO Star Wars catalog, you'd think that the only thing that LEGO made in the line...

Side By Side Review: 10240 Red Five X-wing Starfighter and 7191 UCS X-wing Fighter

Back when Lego started making Star Wars sets I was still in my "dark age" so I missed out on a lot of the...