LEGO Speeder Bike Contest 2011 Winners Announced!
The 3rd Annual LEGO Speeder Bike Contest has come to a close and Cole Blaq and his co-conspirators have chosen the...
Star Warsify The Mini Camper Van Winners
The poll ended tonight and the results are in, here are the winners as chosen by FBTB forum members! In first place with a...
2013 Moc Madness Tournament Announcement: Alphabet Fighters!
It's time to launch our final contest of the year. We've had this one in the works for some time now: a new twist...
MOC Madness Round Two Polls Are Up
Running just slightly behind schedule tonight but everything is squared away and all the polls are open for the second round of out Alphabet...
2013 MOC Madness Tournament: Round Three Now In Progress
Round two ended last night with the close of the polls, and all of the victorious ships are available to browse below. Some really...
Gunship Alt Model Contest Announcement
It's been a while sine we wrapped up our last contest and quite a bit longer since we had an alt model as a...
Announcing The Winners Of The Star Wars X Building Contest
I am late in announcing the winners, but better late than never! After our voting fiasco of the first poll, for which we profusely...
Star Wars X Building Contest Voting Poll Is Up
Thank you all for your patience. Things were hectic this week as I prep for my daughter's birthday party. But without further ado, I'd...
MOC the 80s! Contest
In the whole of human history, the 80s represent probably the most insane explosion of pop culture and absurdity, a glorious time of poofy...
Nerdvember Building Contest Focuses On Star Wars
Tommy over at BrickNerd is doing his annual Nerdvember building contest. The idea is to take the site's mascot, Nerdly, and build a Star...