Out of a field of 89 entries, the battle for 1st place came down to two: Rook vs. Cole Blaq. This promised to be a battle of epic proportions. Yadda yadda yadda alright, enough of that. Let’s get on to the winners.

In 3rd place, roguebantha‘s Mercury Tunh and the Century Sparrow:

Mercury Tunh Century Sparrow

In 2nd place, Rook‘s Hunt Monster and the Ark of Darkness

H-Monster Ark of Darkness

And finally, besting 88 other competitors, Cole Blaq is crowned the MOC Madness 2010 Tournament Champion. His entry: Seraph Daoon and the Stardust:

Seraph Daoon Stardust

Congratulations to all and to all a good fight!