Sunday, May 19, 2024

Build Your Own TIE Fighter Ornament By Powerpig

Chris (Powerpig) McVeigh has capped off his Build-it-Yourself projects for the year with a little taste of Star Wars. He scaled this TIE Fighter...

Fredoichi’s Bust-ed Captain America

I'm really starting to like these bust statuettes. I've always avoided buying them by using the excuse that they looked stupid without any arms,...

SPARKART!’s Cars-Tuned Characters Are Delightfully Odd

I don't know if the story on these guys is cutesy parallel dimension or horrifically hilarious toxic mutations, but either way I'd like to...

To The Batcave!

This version of the Batcave created by Carlyle Livingston II & Wayne Hussey was highlighted by The Brothers Brick the other day, but it's...

Bruce Lowell’s Silent Guardian

Bruce Lowell says he's wanted to do a Batman based MOC for some time as a tribute to the Nolan films and this art...

Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart…

...And it's made of LEGO. Don't you just hate it when you've got an uncompleted build sitting on the shelf and someone comes along...

LEGO Darth Tater

Trying to get caught up on my "To Do" list and this great build by Bruce Lowell has sat on top since I got...

Miniature LEGO Iron Man Helmet

I've been on a bit of a Super Hero kick lately, with the Avengers due soon on DVD, all the rumours flying surrounding upcoming...

_Tiler’s Batpod

We've featured _Tiler's work here before with his amazing MINI-scale Tumblers and The Bat amongst other MOCs. This time, we're featuring his MINI-scale Batpod....

One Rivendell To Rule Them All

Sorry, I couldn't think of a better title than the cheesy one I put up for this post, but this Rivendell MOC is truly...