Saturday, October 12, 2024

This UCS TIE Interceptor MOC Is The Bees’ Knees

One great thing about the design of the TIE-series of starfighters is its modular design. One can attach any number of wing configurations to...

This Microscale Voltron LEGO Action Figure By Andrew Lee

I have a friend that works at Major Game Company who is one of the nicest people I've ever met. I don't ask a...

Gorgeous LEGO Fontography

Check out this absolutely breathtaking lettering achieved by using the new "Plate, Modified 4 x 4 with Curved Cutout" part combined with the pie...

Ultimate Helm’s Deep MOC

I first ran across this back when it was posted on over two weeks ago but finally getting around to posting it now....

Brickdoctor’s UCS V-wing

I couldn't wait for Brickdoctor to post this himself in our MOC Showcase forum, so I decided to jump the gun a bit and...

You Too Can Build An Awesome Snowspeeder

Thanks to Larry Lars, you too can build an awesome T-47 snowspeeder. Larry posted a few more pictures on his take of the vehicle...

jmfbtb’s Death Star Docking Bay 327 for UCS Falcon

If you haven't been keeping up with this interesting thread, Recreating expensive UCSset by purchasing individual pieces?, it discusses exactly what the title suggests,...

MOC Spotlight: Battle on Sullust

markus19840420 on Flickr has put together a couple of amazing MOCs based on levels from the relatively new game, Star Wars Battlefront. I saw...

MOC Spotlight – July 8, 2018

Happy Sunday, everyone! This is a new segment I’ll be presenting weekly. I'll spotlight a few of the rather more impressive or interesting MOCs...

LEGO Flying Dutchman

Bricktrix designed this gorgeous model of the infamous Flying Dutchman for the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean video game.  While it's a render and...