Friday, May 17, 2024

Review: 10266 NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander

50 years ago, humanity made a small step for man, and a giant leap for mankind, and did something that is still perhaps...

Review: Dr. Mario World for iOS and Android

A Candy Crush clone with a Dr. Mario spin.

Video Game Review: Tetris 99

PUBG. Fortnite. Apex Legends. They all have one thing in common: they suck. Alright, alright, I admit that is an incendiary comment but it doesn't...

Review: 70841 Benny’s Space Squad

When the LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part sets were announced, there was one set that stood out even to my dark-aged heart as...

Review: Avengers – Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movie that I felt disappointed with after I walked out. I mean... I was...

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was supposed to be a failure... at least that was the popular sentiment at the time. It...

Review: Captain America – The Winter Soldier

It's a rare thing for a sequel to be greater than the original movie: Wrath of Khan, Godfather II, Empire Strikes Back, Spider-Man 2,...

Review: Thor – The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World is kind of an interesting film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in that opinions of it fall into two categories,...

Review: Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 is probably the most infuriating of the Marvel Cinematic Movies to watch as a fan of the comics, a fan of...

Review: The Avengers

There might have been attempts at creating cinematic universes before... but nothing on the scope of what Marvel set out to do with the...