Saturday, February 15, 2025

Review: Captain America – The First Avenger

Full disclosure... this is  my favorite of the Phase I Marvel movies; I enjoy it more than the Avengers and the original Iron Man...

Review: 76127 Captain Marvel and the Skrull Attack

Captain Marvel has been out for a few weeks now, making money and annoying a relatively small but annoying vocal group of trolls on...

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was supposed to be a failure... at least that was the popular sentiment at the time. It...

Review: Thor

Thor was always an interesting choice for an Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. I mean, on one hand, it makes sense... in the comics, Thor...

Review: Iron Man 2

Confession time: I've never hated Iron Man 2 as much as most fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe do. I fully acknowledge its flaws,...

Movie Review: Tron Legacy

Tron: Legacy is a basic story wrapped up in a shiny, beautiful coat of paint. Probably like a #7DD2DA color, provided that Lowe’s sells...

Review: The Incredible Hulk

There's something kind of sad that this is the only Incredible Hulk movie we're ever likely to get. The rights situation with the character...

Review: Thor – The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World is kind of an interesting film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in that opinions of it fall into two categories,...

Review: Avengers – Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movie that I felt disappointed with after I walked out. I mean... I was...