Friday, July 26, 2024

Disney+ Launches to Consume our Abundant Free Time

Well, the day of Streamageddon has finally come, with Disney+ officially launching to demand everyone's time - at least if you can get it...

Review: The Incredible Hulk

There's something kind of sad that this is the only Incredible Hulk movie we're ever likely to get. The rights situation with the character...

Looking Back at the 2010s – 2015

Ah, 2015... it feels like so long ago, and I suppose, for some, it was. For me, (Nick), it was when I switched jobs...

Captain Marvel starts production, adds some Familiar Faces

I know I've mentioned this before, but Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) is one of my favorite characters of all time. Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird,...

Final Aquaman Trailer Shows off DC’s newfound color, humor

Every time I see a promo or trailer for Aquaman, I keep chanting to myself "please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck"......

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was supposed to be a failure... at least that was the popular sentiment at the time. It...

Movie Review: Tron Legacy

Tron: Legacy is a basic story wrapped up in a shiny, beautiful coat of paint. Probably like a #7DD2DA color, provided that Lowe’s sells...

Looking Back at the 2010s – 2010

So, we're coming up on another arbitrary date based on humans deciding that we have to structure everything. It feels weird that we're at...

Marvel Wins the Internet Today: Post’s “Retro” Captain Marvel Website.

So, my (not even a little bit) secret identity by day is that of a web developer that's specialized in UX and UI stuff....

They’ve Come Home: Disney Purchase of Fox complete, X-Men and Fantastic Four are back...

At 12:02 AM, EST, on March 20th... the deal is finally done, and the House of Mouse now owns all the good parts of...