Review: 7594 Woody’s Roundup!
Woody's Roundup, Right here every day, Woody's Roundup, come on, it's time to play
There's Jessie, the yodeling cowgirl,(yo-de-la, you-de-la, yo-de-la)
Bullseye, he's woody's horse, (grrr...he's...
Review: 7593 Buzz’s Star Command Spaceship
This was among the hardest of the Toy story sets to review, mostly because it was the least iconic of the first wave, and,...
New Toy Story 4 Trailer
The parts with the ventriloquist dummies? Terrifying to say the least.
Toy Story 4 will be in theaters on June 21, 2019.
7598 Pizza Planet Truck On Sale
In order to celebrate the release of Toy Story 3 on DVD/BD, 7598 Pizza Planet Truck is on sale at Target stores and
Review: 7595 Army Men on Patrol
When I was a kid, which sadly, was probably before most of you were born, I had a few favorite toys. One, of...
7597 Western Train Chase For $60 via Amazon has LEGO Toy Story 7597 Western Train Chase for $60, down from $79.99. That's a 25% savings. You should go buy this set....
Amazon Discounts Army Men on Patrol, Freeing Dobby
Still need LEGO Army Men? Amazon has them for a low low low price of $5.99. Need them by Christmas? You'll need to select...
When Themes Collide: Toy Wars
Okay Yaramanoglu (okayaraman) created a series of minifigs of the Toy Story cast dressed up as Star Wars characters. Though I object to the...
NEW! Toy Story Alarm Clocks
By now we've all probably seen the giant Lego Alarm Clocks in the shape of various Star Wars characters, well ... it seems the...
7591 Construct-a-Zurg $12 Bucks, That’s No Typo
Albert from Toys'N'Bricks writes in to let us know that slashed their price on 7591 Construct-a-Zurg down to $12 measly dollars. Yes, $12...