PokéMondays: Only a Shiny Mantyke This Week


Pokémon Legends: Arceus came out this week and I’ve been spending a good amount of time in the game. So much so that I haven’t done a whole lot of shiny hunting. I did manage to squeeze this guy out of Ultra Sun before PL:A dropped:

Shiny Mantyke, 170/393

And it dropped fast too, just 75 SOS calls. And since I’m posting about it here, I’ll keep this one as Mantyke and evolve my next one into Mantine, whenever that will happen. Shiny Mantyke is the one hundred seventieth shiny with only two hundred twenty-three to go.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus though? I’ll write up my first impressions for next week’s PokéMondays post, but spoiler alert: it’s pretty great and I’m having a lot of fun. I may have pre-ordered it out of FOMO on that Garchomp outfit set, but no regrets here.


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