Sunday, May 19, 2024

Review: 9509 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2012

It's like déjà vu, all over again. Another year, another ridiculous amount of money spent on little plastic bricks and the biggest toy sellng...

Review: 9470 Shelob Attacks

These last couple reviews for 2012 have been sitting on my to-do list for far too long, so I'm going to keep this one...

Review: 9497 Republic Striker-class Starfighter

Rounding out the Star Wars: The Old Republic releases for 2012, we get the Republic Strike Fighter... which I don't remember in the game....

Review: 9498 Saesee Tiin’s Starfighter

The Jedi Starfighter (Delta-7, for the especially nerdy among us) has become some sort of LEGO annual tradition, the Star Wars version of the...

Review: 9500 Sith Fury-Class Interceptor

Once upon a time (okay, until like a week ago), I was a Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR) player. But life has a...

Review: 10227 B-wing Starfighter

The B-wing fighter is one of the last few remaining original trilogy and one of my favorites. I don't think there are many space...

Review: 6868 Hulk’s Helicarrier Breakout

I hadn't originally signed up to review of Hulk's Helicarrier Breakout for two reasons, pricing and the uncertainty of how the Hulk would look...

Review: 9499 Gungan Sub

The second half releases for Star Wars served to remind AFOLs of a few things. First, it's that LEGO has absolutely no regard for...

Review: 9677 X-Wing Starfighter & Yavin 4

Series 2 of the Planets went classic, with each planet representing one of the three movies of the original trilogy. As an OT purist,...

Review: The Amazing Spider-man

I was on the fence about seeing this movie right up until I made the decision to go last Thursday night. I waited in...