Star Wars Days 2012

Star Wars Days at LEGOLAND California is slated to be held from March 31 to April 1, 2012 to coincide with their relaunch of the newly expanded Star Wars Miniland. The weekend is fast approaching and FBTB will of course be involved in the fan display. Are you planning on attending? Do you want to display a MOC or volunteer to staff the fan gallery? Have you ever wondered what Don Solo looks like without his hat on? There are a variety of ways to be involved with perks to help incentivize you. Yes, incentivize is a word. I just made it up. Read on for more details. It’s a giant wall of text with lots of information, so please read carefully.

Volunteer Your Time
The Fan Gallery will need a few volunteers to help man the tables. Ideally, there will be three people per shift, a shift being a one hour time block with a minimum of two hours per volunteer. And as a volunteer, you will get free entry into the park. This perk does not extend to your brother/sister/cousin/wife/son/daughter/nephew/niece/friend or anyone else unless they too are volunteering their time. More details will be forthcoming. Space is extremely limited. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please use the contact us form with the day (Saturday March 31 or Sunday April 1), the time slots (beginning from 10am to 6pm) you would like to volunteer for, your name, and contact information. Space is extremely limited.

Bring A MOC
There are three ways to contribute a MOC.

Podracers –
Our current Podracing Challenge contest was designed with Star Wars Days in mind. If you are building or have completed building your podracer for our contest, we invite you to mail in your MOC to be put on display as part of the Episode I Movie Build (more info on that below). For all podracers mailed in, a jury panel consisting of myself, Don “Solo” Reitz, and Ryan “Chief” Wood will select the best podracer to win cash. That’s right, cash. How does $50 USD sound? If you win, you must have a Paypal account. Everyone who sends in their podracer will receive an FBTB T-shirt (while supplies last) included in the return package. If you’re interested in sending in your podracer, please use the contact us form to get in touch with me for additional details and requirements. Podracers can be mailed in, dropped off, or brought to the park for set up. Podracers must be received no later than March 24th.

Star Wars themed MOC –
We’re not all about podracers, you know. Do you have a Star Wars themed MOC you’d like to awe and inspire the hundreds of Star Wars fans viewing the Fan Gallery over the weekend? We would be more than happy to accommodate you. If you bring your MOC and require time for set up, please use our contact form to get in touch with us for more details. If you’d like to mail in your MOC, that’s okay too. Just use the contact us form for more information.

Episode I Movie Build –
This is where it gets interesting. In addition to the normal MOCery on display, we are coordinating with LUGOLA (LEGO Users Group of Los Angeles) and SANDLUG (San Diego LEGO Users Group) to put on a display showing The Phantom Menace movie from beginning to end in LEGO form. Obviously, we can’t do the movie scene for scene, so we’ve broken down the movie into a few key sequences and have asked LUG members to sign up for a scene to display. The scene list is not definitive and if a builder wants to build something that’s not on the list, it’s not only acceptable but encouraged. All forms of MOCs are acceptable: micro scale, dioramas, mosaics, etc. If you are interested in contributing to the Movie Build, please use the contact us form and let us know.

The Episode I Movie Build will have it’s own little contest. A member from the the Events staff will be picking his/her top three favorite MOCs from the Movie Build to receive a LEGOLAND gift card good for anywhere in the park. The gift card values are $100 for 1st, $75 for 2nd, and $25 for 3rd. Unfortunately, podracers will not qualify (hence the reason FBTB will be awarding a cash prize instead).

The Dangling Carrot
LEGOLAND is working on securing incentives for those who volunteer their time and/or contribute a MOC for the fan gallery. Several incentives are being worked on and I can’t say what those incentives are at this time only because I have not received confirmation yet. I can say that a Star Wars Days t-shirt will be given to the volunteers who man the tables. This, the incentives, not the t-shirt, is something I’ve worked on with the Events Manager after last year’s Star Wars Days so as soon as I get more details, I will post the information.

Got questions? I suggest posting the question in the forum thread for all to read unless you’re one them shy types and would rather email us directly. That’s okay too.

Due to the very short time frame in planning for Star Wars Days, we will not be having Bothcon during that weekend. No decision about Bothcon 2012 has been made yet.

I’m probably forgetting things to mention cause it’s like super late and I’ve been writing for over an hour. Things will crystallize the closer we get to the big weekend so I’ll post again once I get more info or if I need to clarify things. It was a real treat meeting a lot of fans of the site last year. I hope that more of you can make it and that some of you will even contribute.