My shiny hunt continues. Looking at my list of caught shinies, I might be over halfway at this point. Just need to post about them. Today’s selection is the cleffa line which, thankfully, didn’t take too much time to complete. I already caught Shiny Clefable awhile ago so I just needed a Cleffa and a Clefairy.

Shiny Cleffa

Shiny Cleffa 173/393

Shiny Cleffa came at 69 SOS calls which was really fast.

Shiny Clefairy

Shiny Clefairy 174/393

Shiny Clefairy came at 119 SOS calls, which also was really fast.

You know recently, I’ve had musings about giving up on completing an Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon shiny living dex because the biggest bottleneck right now is hatching eggs using the Masuda Method. It is the most painful thing and unfortunately the only way to get the starters and provides the best odds for some other non-starter Pokémon too.

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