Now that I’ve somewhat recovered from our review blitz with one more still on my docket, a few more images have surfaced from a book already revealing some future LEGO Movie sets. The images popped up on imgur and are sourced from The LEGO Movie: The Essential Guide (Dk Essential Guides) which you can buy right now from Amazon and probably from your local bookstore assuming there are any of those left standing. We have four images to share with you but be forewarned: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!
The first set is the Police Gunship. So far, I just LOVE all of the police vehicles and will probably just collect those.
The second set is Emmet’s Construction Mech and this thing just looks massive. One giant set or two large sets that when put together provide you with an alt build of the mech? I guess we’ll have to wait until the next wave to see them.
The next photo is a bit blurry, and the set it reveals is tiny, but you can still get a sense of size and scope of Metalbeard’s Pirate Ship. Maybe as large and awesome as 10210 Imperial Flagship?
And lastly, this is the the huge spoiler you should be avoiding if you care about avoiding spoilers, but the big reveal set of the movie to make all the AFOLs as giddy as if they were a kid again is Benny’s Spaceship. The sticker label marks this ship as LL929, which is one number after the last Classic Space set 928.