MOC Madness 2011

The MOC Madness 2011 tournament has come to a close and the winners have finally been determined. Before we announce the winners, I’d like to thank everyone who participated and submitted an entry. It was a real pleasure seeing the entries rolling in. We try to format the bounty hunter tournament to be as open ended as possible and the submissions did not disappoint. There was a wide range of styles and designs, and the winning entries reflect that range. So, without further ado, I present the winners.

In third place, Joel “JD4M” Baker’s Raesha Ka-Lia and the Soul Snatcher, aka the Fat Mandalorian.

Raesha Ka-Lia Soul Snatcher

In second place, Tyler “Legohaulic”‘s Vet Steele and the Avid Steele.

Vet Steele Avid Steele - 01

And the winner of the MOC Madness 2011 Tournament is Zane “zhouston” Houston’s Niobrara Shaar and the Arkose VII.

Niobrara Shaar
Arkose VII

Congratulations to the big winners!

But that’s not all. We have one more prize to give away and it’s for the Jury Selection, sponsored by The LEGO Group. The staff voted in two rounds of polls to narrow down our favorites among the entries, and the winner is:

Jack “madLEGOman” McKeen’s Constable Drex and the Hand of Fate.

ConstableDrex01 HandOfFate01

Jack is the recipient of 7930 Bounty Hunter Gunship. Congratulations!