It’s Thanksgiving night, 9pm PST, and I am a little sloshed from some Mangria and other spirits. I just got back from a 2-day camping trip where my whole family reconnected from being unplugged. It was time off from the everyday that was much needed.

But now I’m back and I wanted to do a post on some LEGO Shop@Home Black Friday sales. I remember in years past the affiliates would get a list in advance but someone from the affiliate program would always leak the list to Slickdeals and LEGO quickly put the kibosh on doing that anymore. So here I am trying to get back into the swing of things and generate some revenue for the site while. It probably seems like a pure attempt at a money grab post opportunity, and I’m not gonna lie, it kinda is.

And so, without further ado, as of 9:23pm PST, here is what I was able to find online for sale for LEGO Shop@Home’s Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale. I can’t list everything, so I’m just going to list a couple of highlights:

LEGO Star Wars

There’s a lot more LEGO Star Wars stuff to be had at discount.

The LEGO Batman Movie

It seems like The LEGO Batman Sets are donesky. So anything you can find out there is pretty much the last run.


There’s a ton of soft goods on sale on the site. Check the listing for what’s available. Some sets worth picking up would be:

There’s a lot more stuff on sale. Please consider clicking through any of the links before purchasing anything or even just browsing. Your support in any way, shape, or form is always greatly appreciated.

LEGO Shop@Home’s Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sales Page



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