The Last of Us Part 2 – Story Trailer


Now I’m not saying that Naughty Dog / Sony moved up the release date and are dropping trailers because of the massive leak earlier.

But I’m also not not saying that. Hell of a coincidence, otherwise.

I’m not as big a Last of Us fan as a certain other person who also writes on this site, though it’s piqued my interest in the past.

Naughty Dog games are historically less about compelling gameplay and more about great graphics, performances, and well-written stories (for video games). From everything we’ve seen so far, I don’t see how The Last of Us Part 2 will be any different. More of the same isn’t a bad thing here.

Anyway, check the story trailer out. The Last of Us Part 2 drops on June 19th. We’ll all be trying to avoid spoilers until then.

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