Did you watch it last night? The Academy Awards show? I missed it. I was on my way back from a birthday party and spent the rest of the night getting the kids to bed and watching Walking Dead. But I heard it was a good show. The LEGO Movie’s only nomination was for Best Original Song and traditionally every song from the category is performed live. I was curious to see how exactly this would happen, and after watching the above video, all I can say is “wow.” From giving celebrities LEGO Oscar statues to the surreal performance of “Everything Is Awesome” by Lonely Island, Tegan and Sara, Will Arnett in a Batman costume, and Questlove, LEGO showed up in a big way. Though, the cowboy costumes were a little confusing. The best part? “Darkness. No parents.”
The LEGO Movie’s Everything Is Awesome unfortunately did not win for Best Original Song. That honor went to Glory from the film Selma.