For VIP members, the big ship of the sea, 70810 Metal Beard’s Sea Cow, is now available. You’ll have to be signed into your account for the link to work, but you’ll be one of the first kids on your block to get the set! If you’re not a VIP member or don’t care about its points, you can purchase the set along with the rest of the public starting March 1. Comes with exclusive Seasick Kitty, mini Metal Beard, and an AWESOME pirate ship. I wasn’t digging the set too much, but to be honest, after seeing it in person, I’ve changed my tune. And in case you’re wondering, it comes with three cannons on both sides of the ship. There are fully detailed interiors including the poop deck, captain’s quarters, and the main deck below the main mast. Forget about whatever pre-conceived notion you may have about what a pirate ship should look like, this set is just so much fun. You’ll want to make the sailing noise the ship made from the movie as you vroom it along.