Some people can be so adamant about calling LEGO Legos or LEGOS or legos or whatever. Me, personally, I try to use the correct terminology whenever possible, but that’s only because I know better. Some people don’t and I’m okay with that. I don’t try and correct people on the proper usage because I don’t care what other people say when it comes to LEGO or legos. I know some people do to the point of correcting others. It’s kind of rude if you ask me. I mean seriously, why be an a-hole about it?
On a side note, we’re looking for a new name for the comic. I unabashedly stole the name from Brandon Griffith. He’s got plans for the name so we’re looking for a replacement to use for the strip. Got an idea? Drop a suggestion in the forum thread or use the contact form. This is not a shallow promise, I promise, but if we like your idea we may just pay you for it. So let us know.