Review: 75139 Battle on Takodana
I've talked about how after years of building and reviewing LEGO sets you start to see patterns pop up in the builds and identify...
Review: 75104 Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle
The first wave of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens sets were kind of odd in the fact that the two most expensive in...
Review: 75105 Millennium Falcon
There probably isn't a more iconic ship in Star Wars than the Millennium Falcon, at least not a unique one. X-Wings and TIE Fighters...
Review: 75132 First Order Battle Pack
When I reviewed the Resistance Battle pack, one of the things that I liked about it was the troops were all generic and could...
Review: 75131 Resistance Trooper Battle Pack
Even before the 2016 sets leaked, we knew there were going to be Battle Packs for the First Order and the Resistance. LEGO isn't...
The Force Awakens Breaks Box Office Records
JJ Abrams reads on his iPad about TFA's record-breaking box office weekend
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that the weekend's final box office tally for...
New International The Force Awakens Trailer
I've been semi-trying to avoid trailers and commercials for The Force Awakens since the first one that got released. I've been successful for the...
Chances of an R2-KT Minifig Rise Greatly, more TFA Teasers
One of the unfortunate things about the Yoda Chronicles sets being mostly flops was that we never got a fantastic R2-KT minifig, which was featured in...
Another Force Awakens TV Spot, now with 100% more X-Wings
Less than a month away, and they're still taunting us with new teasers for The Force Awakens. I'm surprised they had any sort of...