Friday, February 14, 2025

The Mandalorian S1:E8 Chapter 8 “Redemption” Episode Recap

With Season 2 starting in less than 24 hours, I am finally fulfilling my duty in writing the recap for the last episode of...

The Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer Is Out

Yeah, I can't wait. The new season starts on Friday, October 30 on Disney+.

The Mandalorian Season 2 Gets Official Air Date of October 30

We knew it was coming out in October but Disney officially announced that the Season 2 premiere will be on October 30, keeping its...

Rosario Dawson Cast As Ahsoka Tano In The Mandalorian Season 2

This comes to us via our Star Wars discord channel via an io9 article via multiple sources around the web: Rosario Dawson is cast...

Animatronic Baby Yoda Available For Pre-orders

Now that official merch for The Mandalorian is slowly becoming available (but probably even more delayed due to the worldwide health situation), there is...

The Mandalorian S1:E7 Chapter 7 “The Reckoning” Episode Recap

Oh wow. Just wow! I've heard complaints from some people all season long about "filler episodes". And to some extent I agreed. Chapters 2 and...

The Mandalorian S1:E6 Chapter 6 “The Prisoner” Episode Recap

Yes I'm late again. I blame holidays, bad traffic, crappy tech support, and kids that have a mountain of homework. What's up with elementary...

The Mandalorian S1:E5 Chapter 5 “The Gunslinger” Episode Recap

I know this is late, like really really late, like so late that the next episode is already out kind of late, but I...

The Mandalorian S1:E4 Chapter 4 “Sanctuary” Episode Recap

It was going to be a pretty high bar to jump over clearing the climax of Chapter 3 of the Mandalorian. The climax of...

The Mandalorian S1:E3 Chapter 3 “The Sin” Episode Recap

I was somewhat unimpressed with Episode 2; I liked it, but mostly because I loved some Baby Yoda / Yiggle / Yarvel / whatever....