Darth Vader Bust On Target.com, Probably Sold Out Already


Update 4/17: The Darth Vader Bust is now available for purchase.

Update: Rebelscum posted a new on-sale date for the bust. That date is April 15th. I am trying to get verification on that and will update again if I hear back. For now though, let’s assume Jeremy’s correct.

I mean, the page is there, but says “Coming Soon” (you have to be signed in and have a Target REDCard account to see it). If you search for it, the search results page for “LEGO Darth Vader Bust” has a button that says “Add For Shipping” but when you try and click on that it says it’s sold out. So I don’t know. It’s probably sold out and I apologize if this post is nothing but a tease. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went live with stock available early, early this morning, giving east coasters the advantage. Who knows, maybe it’s just a placeholder until later. I guess it’s worth checking up on still.


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