Don’t ask me why, but this batch of detail shots was held back from the first wave Ace was allowed to post earlier and they left out the Tie Figther entirely.  I’m still disappointed the panels on it are grey, this whole time I’ve been thinking they were sort of a milky translucent material in all the trailers which seemed really neat. Now it just feels a bit bland.  But you won’t be getting a second round of play by play commentary from me, so sit back and enjoy the fresh slew of high res promo pics.

75101 First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter

75101_Prod 75101_Minifigure_0375101_Detail_01b  75101_Func_0375101_box1_na75101_box5_in

75099 Rey’s Speeder

75099_Func_02_01  75099_Func_01_0175099_Func_04_01

75105 – Millennium Falcon

75105_Func_02_01   75105_Func_07 75105_Func_0575105_Func_06_01 75105_Front_01 75105_Func_03_01 75105_box5_na

75104 – Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle

75104_Func_01_01 75104_Func_04 75104_Func_03_03 75104_Func_03_02 75104_Front_Func_01_01 75104_Detail_02  75104_box5_na75104_Back_03

75103 First Order Transporter

75103_Front_01  75103 _Func_06 75103 _Func_05 75103 _Func_03_0175103 _Func_01_0175103 _Func_04   75103_box5_in75103_Front_06

75102 Poe’s X-Wing Fighter

75102_Detail_02_01   75102_Back_01 75102_Func_05_01 75102_Func_04_01 75102_Func_03_02 75102_Func_03_01  75102_Func_01_01 75102_Front_0175102_Back_0275102_Func_02 75102_Back_0375102_box5_na

75100 First Order Snowspeeder

75100_Func_01_ghost_01 75100_Func_01_01 75100_Front_01 75100_Func_02_0175100_Back_05 75100_Back_04 75100_Back_03 

Edit several hours after the initial posting: I fixed it so the thumbnails all link to the full res images like they were supposed to. Sorry about that!