LEGO Reveals Ghostbusters BrickHeadz Two-pack

I totally did not see this coming.


LEGO revealed the below image on social media earlier today showing a Ghostbusters BrickHeadz two-pack set. The set features Peter Venkman all slimed up and the perpetrator Slimer. I’m curious how they’re going to accomplish the floating effect as I am unaware of levitating bricks. My request to LEGO for additional assets has not been answered yet, but I will update this post if they get back to me with anything.

Now we just need Egon, Ray, Winston, Ecto-1, Dana, Louis….

And if you read the subtitles to the articles and in case you didn’t pick up on it, I was being sarcastic as I predicted a Ghostbusters BrickHeadz set back when the Back To The Future BrickHeadz were revealed. Anyone with half a brain could have predicted this coming, though, or some version of this anyway.

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