As hard as I am on the DC Universe that’s not Wonder Woman, I have to admit that I was fairly excited about the upcoming SHAZAM! movie… mostly because it has Zachary Levi in it, and it’s really hard to not just like that guy. Now, having what the first trailer, though…
I’m excited to see it. I mean… there’s more color in the preview still of that video than there was in the whole of Batman v Superman and Justice League… and the trailer is showing people having fun and features jokes that work. It looks like they’re leaning pretty hard into the camp that makes Captain Marvel* such a fun character, and that seems to be the right choice.
*The actual name of the character, which DC can’t actually use because of a lot of odd and drawn-out lawsuits. Shazam! isn’t even one of their creations, they gained it in a lawsuit themselves after he was found to be a ripoff of Superman. Shazam! had a knockoff as well, called Marvelman, which was later renamed to Miracleman… which Marvel purchased the rights to about a decade ago. Turns out even real-life continuity about comics is kind of nonsense…
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