There just wasn’t a lot in the way of Star Wars sets… and nothing we hadn’t heard about or seen before. Here are some detailed pictures of Yoda’s hut, a Jedi Battlepack, and the Darth Maul build-a-fig, and later Ace will have some videos up that show off a lot of the play and swoosh features.

75208 Yoda’s Hut. I’m still surprised about the price-point for this set, and there’s a lot to like with it. Seems like a pretty solid buy for $29.99.

75206 Jedi and Clone Troopers Battle Pack. On one hand, nice to get two prequel Jedi in a cheap set. However, putting named characters pretty much kills the repurchase value of a Battle Pack, so this won’t be a good Army Builder. Also, at long last, we’re getting long-stud legs for dress minifig legs.


75537 Darth Maul



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