Cloud city is well represented in the first two days, still waiting to see if it’s actually going to make an appearance. Let’s see…

Day 2 – TIE Interceptor

The TIE Fighter from 2011 was absolutely pitiful. They did an update in 2014, but I skipped the calendar that year so I have no input on the redo. I cannot recall them ever even trying to do either a TIE Bomber or Vader’s Advanced TIE, so them going for an Interceptor is certainly ambitious. Gotta say though, I like it. I think they pulled it off pretty well, but I would have used the 2×4 wedges instead of the 2×3. Still, a good effort and it pays off for them.

Also, when you fold the wings out to the side, you get a kind of Imperial Batwing feel…

What? I’m just sayin’.

To Be Continued…