Happy Friday, fellow Bothans! Wow! What a week, huh? Major kudos to Ace and Mikey for bringing the awesomeness to us from Toy Fair, and thanks to Erik Varszegi for showing them the details of all the new sets! 2009 is going to be an incredible year for LEGO all around, and that just makes me all the more excited for what the future holds for the community.

On that note, here is this week’s installment of the Friday Forum Highlights!

10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker – S@H Exclusive! — Check this thread out for all conversation regarding this totally wicked new set! Can’t to see this one in person!
Lego Star Wars 2010 Idea Thread — Got some ideas for what you’d like to see in the LEGO Star Wars lineup next year? Share them in this thread!
10th Anniversary without Padme — I find the name of this thread hilarious. 🙂 It’s an ongoing conversation about why we haven’t seen Luke and Leia’s momma in a new set in such a long time.
New 2009 Pics – City, PM, Agents, Space Police — Head this way to join the talk about the non-licensed themes getting new sets this year. Also, SPACE POLICE. WHOO!
Favorite Star Wars Quote — This is a pretty neat little thread where you can share your favorite quote(s) from the Star Wars movies, whether they be serious or humorous. … Mine was definitely not serious.
FBTB Community Project: Sweet Emotion — This was a fun little game we did back in the old forums and was started up again by Joedward. I apologize in advance if the pictures of some of our members scare the bricks outta ya… especially since the theme for the first round is “Slightly Psychotic Happiness.” Ha!

That’s all for now! Y’all have a great weekend!

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