Alright, after the whirlwind month of December, things have noticeably slowed down around here. But that’s not to say we haven’t been busy. To reinforce that FBTB is all about covering LEGO’s licensed lines, it is with great pleasure that I introduce the third site theme for FBTB: Toy Story. If you click on the “switch” link on the right, you can now choose between the default Star Wars theme, Power Miners, and now Toy Story. As with any code release, there’s bound to be a few bugs. And if you find any, I invite you to use the contact form to to let us know what you find faulty or you can post a message in the forum thread.
Lastly, I’d like to give a big shout out to fellow site admin Don Solo for providing the logo and the forum buttons graphics. My vision for the logo could not have been realized without his help.