UCS R2-D2 Now On Sale, May The Fourth Promos Begin


Today is April 30th, which means the May the Fourth shopping weekend will begin in a few hours as of this posting. What should you get? Nothing, save your money and save the planet. But let’s be honest, we all know that’s not going to happen so here’s what you could be building in the coming days and weeks other than or in addition to:

75308 R2-D2


The UCS R2-D2 set (#75308) will be on sale. Buying this set for $199.99 will net you the free Tatooine Homestead set, Double VIP points, and uh… free shipping.

75304 Darth Vader Helmet

This Darth Vader buildable helmet can be yours for just $69.99. This is the most expensive helmet in the line so far. Sith tax is a real thing.

75305 Scout Trooper Helmet

The Vader helmet may be overpriced, but that makes this excellent Scout Trooper helmet look like an utter bargain. This one’s only $59.99.

75306 Imperial Probe Droid

Considering probe droids explode at the first sign of danger, this thing may have been over-engineered. I mean, all those arms? What’s it going to try and probe if a light blaster shot makes it self-destruct? Anyways, 75306 Imperial Probe Droid feels like it’s priced just right at $59.99 for 683 pieces. With a UCS-style label, it’s a shame there’s no minifig sized counterpart to go with it.

How to Get The Tatooine Homestead Set for Free

In order to get this Tatooine Homestead May the Fourth promo set for free, you’ll need to spend at least $85 or more. An R2-D2 set will easily qualify you. Unfortunately, none of the helmets by themselves will do it but you can add on a couple of sets to hit that threshold. Best bet would be 75299 Trouble on Tatooine. It’s $29.99 and adding it to Darth Vader Helmet or the Imperial Probe Droid sets will get you north of the requirement. With the Scout Trooper helmet, you’ll need to add a keychain or some other rinky dink set to get there. Take a look at all of the LEGO Star Wars sets LEGO.com has to offer.

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