There are two note-worthy promotions going on over at LEGO Shop@Home.
First up is a Double VIP points promotion. This offer is good until July 7th. If you’ve been waiting on Double VIP points get a big ticket item, like the Roller Coaster or Bugatti sets, or even that UCS Y-wing, now’s your chance. The promotion ends before the LEGO Ideas Voltron set comes out though but any extra points you earn can before the 23rd can make that set cheaper.
The second promotion is a free LEGO beach tote bag. It’s free with any purchase of LEGO construction sets of $199 or more, making those big ticket items even more worth picking up now. I picked one up last night while on my way back from LEGOLAND, and it’s a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be. Plenty of room for your beach-going accessories. I love all of LEGO’s bags they’ve offered through the GWP promotions, and this one is no exception. This offer is good until 11:59pm EST, July 8, 2018 or while supplies last.
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