In what seems to be a convention tradition now, LEGO had a giant mural that booth visitors can help build. Since each day of the con had a certain theme, the 30’x7.5′ wall was divided into four even sections with each section dedicated to a day’s theme. The baseplates comprising the wall had a numbered grid printed on top corresponding to 6×6 stud plates. The 8×8 plates were also printed with colors where the matching 1×1 bricks are supposed to go. Once the 6×6 plate is complete, it is then hammered onto the wall.
It was a bit of a daunting task from the onset. At the end of each day, the mural would be almost complete. There were several holes in each of the murals, with the Super Heroes one being the most incomplete no doubt due to the giant mob scene that I’ll be complaining about in another post later this week.
LEGO mosaic artist Dave Ware attended the con, and the holes in the mural were so painful to his eyes, he stepped up and volunteered to help fill it out. He only got through the Hobbit mural before he had to leave but we all appreciated his efforts nonetheless.
Thanks to icgetaway for getting me the final shot on the last day showing the state of the mural by the time the show floor was closed (first image of this post). Here is what the individual panels looked like when completed:
When looking at the results, it is apparent that the project may have been a bit too ambitious. By the time show floor closed on Sunday, it wasn’t complete. And not many attendees would make it a point to revisit the booth to watch the mosaics unfold at the end of the day let alone at the end of Sunday. LEGO had a lot going on, especially on Friday. The mosaic might have been completed on time and maybe early if it wasn’t for that day’s mob scene (again, more on that in another post). There were a few of the staff volunteers that sat down for a good few hours to try and catch up, but still did not manage to finish in the end. I applaud LEGO for trying to keep their booth interesting and engaging, but at some point you cross a certain line in which you have TOO many things going on.