Chat room regular ninnymuggins pointed out that LEGO Shop@Home has updated their Star Wars page with a release date for all of their new sets for 2014. Finally, after the sets have been widely available in other parts of the world, North America can join in on the fun. If you’re tenacious enough you may be able to find them at the big box retailers as it’s pretty common knowledge that sets can find their way onto the shelves before the street date. Full list of sets below with handy dandy links:
LEGO Star Wars 2014
- 75028 Clone Turbo Tank $9.99
- 75029 AAT $9.99
- 75030 Millennium Falcon $9.99
- 75031 TIE Interceptor $9.99
- 75032 X-Wing Fighter $9.99
- 75033 Star Destroyer $9.99
- 75034 Death Star Troopers $12.99
- 75035 Kashyyyk Troopers $12.99
- 75036 Utapau Troopers $12.99
- 75037 Battle on Saleucami $14.99
- 75038 Jedi Interceptor $24.99
- 75039 V-wing Starfighter $24.99
- 75040 General Grievous Wheel Bike $24.99
- 75041 Vulture Droid $24.99
- 75042 Droid Gunship $49.99
- 75043 AT-AP $59.99
- 75044 Droid Tri-fighter $29.99
- 75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon $39.99
- 75046 Coruscant Police Gunship $49.99