WTH is this? Wow, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to any of this calendar’s previous entries I may have spoken negatively about. I’m looking at you Imperial Shuttle and Mouse Droid, I’m sorry. In keeping with the festive nature I will give it this: If we were playing a game of Creationary and you had to build a TIE Fighter using as few pieces as possible while keeping it recognizable, I would applaud you if you came up with this. Otherwise the designer of this has earned only my scorn and ridicule. When I think about all the extra little bits that were left over up until this point it seriously ticks me off. In case you’re wondering I shot the “model” in such a way to show how truly miniscule it really is. I’m still shaking my fist at it even now. For shame!
Star Wars Advent Calendar – Day 20
Day 20 – TIE Fighter