It had to happen, right? Cho-cho-choosing Ant-Man to end Phase 2 of the MCU is begging to veer it off the rails as a follow up to Avengers: Age Of Ultron. What were they thinking? Seriously though, with AoU steering towards Civil War by highlighting the global implications of the emerging super hero community, Ant-Man is stepping on the gas with the risk of making abilities available to almost anyone. The march towards war is in full effect and it begs the question of where the films will head after sides are chosen and even more heroes begin to appear.
At least we know why the Ant-Man set has “giant” LEGO pieces in it. I’d bet the Duplo Thomas engine is about to go up in price for MOCers recreating the epic (ha!) battle scene. Seems like a missed opportunity for LEGO to make another large, inaccurate train playset based on a movie that people would complain about and I would greedily snatch up the moment it hit a discount. Le sigh.