Okay, so the dates have been announced a while ago, but I never got around to posting anything about it since we were busy planning for the event. We are now at a point where we are ready to make the announcement and provide details on the event. Even if you’ve subscribed to LUGOLA’s and/or SanDLUG’s mailing list, there’s new information below so keep reading.
There are three ways you can participate in the Fan Gallery: contribute MOCs for display, contribute MOCs for the group build, and/or volunteer your time. There’s a ton of information here so please read through it all. Still have questions? Use the contact us form and send me an email.
Contribute MOCs for the individual gallery
We have a dedicated area for any Star Wars themed MOCs you want to bring and display in the fan gallery. All you need to do is sign up on our handy dandy sign up sheet and let us know how much table space you might need. Please be aware that your MOC will need to be up and displayed by 9:30am on Saturday June 15th and stay on display throughout the weekend and then picked up on Sunday June 16th after 5pm.
Contribute to the Group Build
This year we are hosting a group build where you can help recreate the epic space battle scene from Return of the Jedi. The plan is to build the scene in MINI scale and suspend the ships with fishing line to recreate the Space Battle of Endor. LEGOLand is letting us use this huge display case to display the group build in:
The scale? The scale will be based around this part. Granted, there are official sets out there that are in miniscale but where’s the fun in that? You are encouraged to build mini ships in your own style and add them to the display. Larger, capital sized ships such as Imperial Star Destroyers or Mon Calamari Cruisers can be of a smaller scale but should be close. We will set up the display to use forced perspective to complete the scene using the different sized ships. And like the individual display, please expect to keep your models on display from Saturday morning through Sunday evening.
And to entice you to contribute to the group build, we will be holding a raffle. For each original mini scale starfighter that you contribute, and by original I mean not an official set, you will receive 1 raffle ticket. Larger ships will receive 2 or more tickets based on size. Four gift cards to the LEGOLAND Big Shop are offered as prizes. The amount of the gift cards are $25, $25, $50, and $100. You must be present to win on Sunday at 5:00pm in order to receive your prize. Add your name to the sign-up sheet with your details.
If you aren’t planning on attending, you can still contribute and win! Mail me your mini ships and FBTB will host a special drawing just for the mail-ins for a LEGO Shop@Home gift card for $50. Shoot us a message and we’ll work out the details.
We need volunteers to help man our booths. We still have some space left. We ask that you do one shift per day of 2 hours. There are still plenty of slots available. You can hang out with other AFOLs, make some new friends, and geek out with fellow Star Wars nerds.
There are several incentives offered for participating in Star Wars Weekend. Volunteering your time will net you a t-shirt, admission for the day if you arrive by 8am, and two passes to the park. Volunteering your time AND bringing a MOC will net you an exclusive minifig as well the t-shirt and two passes to the park. f you volunteer your time, lunch will be provided by the park. In addition to the group build raffle, there will also be a separate raffle giveaway for various prizes including LEGO sets, photo art prints, and more.
There’s probably more information I’m missing, so expect updates between now and June 15th. Once you’re signed up, I’ll be sending out relevant information about parking, meeting times, etc.
So, in a nutshell if you are in participating by contributing a MOC to the individual gallery, the group build, or volunteering some times, please sign up on the group sign up sheet by putting an X in the “Group Build” column and noting what you will contribute under “Name of MOC”.
If you would like to contribute to the group build, but will not be able to bring your MOC to the park by Saturday morning or if you have any questions, please email Ace at no_onions@yahoo.com