Happy Friday, Bothans! Here we are again on that magical day known as Friday, and here we are again with another round of forum highlights from this past week. Check ’em out!

So, you wanna to build a podracer? [Building Tips Thread] — Man, how ’bout this Podracer contest? Can’t wait to see what you guys cook up! Click on over here for some protips on what you should keep in mind while building your creation for the contest.
[CONTEST] 2009 Podracer Challenge! — When you’re done reading the tip thread and you’ve got your shiny new podracer all buffed up and ready to race, hop over here to submit your creation! Hope you win, slugger!
Chrome Vader Tracking Thread — Are you one of the few, the proud, the Chrome Darth Vader owners? Ace has setup a thread where you can let everyone know what set your found yours in, so click here and report in with your findings!
Remember Potter? — This one’s been flying under my radar since it started! Check out this thread for some conversation about the ups and the downs of the late great Harry Potter line.

Next up, here’s some highlights from this past week’s round of submissions to the MOCs forum!

[Star Wars] AT-RT — AlternativeRadio brings us a really spiffy rendition of the Episode III AT-RT. Check it out!
[PODRACER/CAD] BattlePod Galactica — Jake brings us a tongue-in-cheek fake submission to the Podracer contest. I got a good laugh out of the engines being Colonial Vipers jammed in little hangars. 🙂
[Harry Potter] Front of Hogwarts — One of our up-and-coming stars of the community, Tohst brings us this GORGEOUS rendition of the front facade of Hogwarts.
[SPACE] Wryneck Heavy Target Striker — Buster shows off one sweet little fighter that he’s created. Dig that retro-lookin’ cannon!
[Classic Space] LL-138 — Normally a master of the MINI, roguebantha shows off his totally awesome Neo Classic Space creation, as part of the celebration of the 30 year anniversary of Classic Space!

All this just grazes the surface, friends! You guys are producing some amazing stuff all across the board, and FBTB has never looked so good. Way to go, Bothans! Have a great weekend!

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