I’ve been looking forward to watching Akira in all its 4k glory since I found out about it over three months ago. Like any middle-aged man who buys himself his own presents, I wrapped it and put it under the tree to pretend that Santa brought me something. Well, I unwrapped it but never got around to watching it with kids and trying to spend time with them and all that. My friend sent me this link a day or two after Christmas day. Apparently, when it came time to manufacture the limited edition 4k Akira set, Funimation only included an SDR version. But they are making things right for people who bought this set by providing, for free, an HDR version. All you need to do is send them an email with a copy of the receipt and they will send you the disc starting in February. Don’t have a receipt? You’ll need to mail in your Blu-ray disc from the set to get it. You can read all about it in the Funimation news post.
I still haven’t watched my copy. I can wait a couple more months for HDR.
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