I’m still cranking away at completing the Alolan dex with all possible shinies. Komala is just my latest one and was the first pokemon I got using the Magikarp swap breeding method. I won’t bother with the details here, it’s easily google-able. Komala seemed like an obvious choice because it doesn’t engage in SOS battles and never calls an ally. So then the only other ways to get it would be to get super lucky on a random encounter or breed for one. I traded over a Japanese Ditty from my JP copy of Sun and got to breeding. After 231 eggs, Magikarp finally shined and after a reset, a swap, and a couple of eggs, Komala was added to the living dex. I kind of 🤨 at it though because Komala itself isn’t shiny, but the log it is holding is (the normal color for the log is tan and brown instead of pink and white).
Yes, I still have an interest in LEGO. I’ll write something LEGO related soon.
[…] post PokéMondays: Yep, I’m still doing this appeared first on […]
[…] realized after last week’s hatching of shiny Komala that what I should have hatched were the starters since they can’t be found in the wild at […]
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