I try not to post personal things on this site, but this time I couldn’t resist. Come January, my wife and I will be expecting our first child. We are having a girl. And we are going to name her Leia. That’s right, you read that right. Say what you will, start your nerd jokes now, but it is quite a nice name regardless of the obvious reference. And no, I’m not going to start calling her “my princess” or “Princess Leia”; the last thing I want for her is to get a princess complex, cause you know how fun THOSE kinds of girls are. And yes, my wife has agreed to it. And no, if it we were having a boy we would NOT have named him Luke or Han although Han does sound Asian…
In all seriousness, I can’t tell you how excited and nervous I am at the reality of it all. This is going to be quite a ride.
I had meant to post this awhile ago, but real life got the better of me trying to get as much home remodeling done as possible before she comes. That is also the reason for my on-again/off-again hiatus from the site. I don’t know what else to say much more than that.
I am going to be converting my personal site https://www.acekim.com/ from a facepalm ascii art repository to a personal blog site in the next few days, so if you feel like reading up on my trials and tribulations of fatherhood as well as the other geeky things I’m into, bookmark it now.
This will be the last time I post something personal on this site until the next time that is. Thanks for reading.