Blogomatic3000‘s got a preview of London’s 2012 ToyFair, with the best looks yet at the Fellowship from Lord of the Rings as well as two of Marvel’s finest.
In my opinion, the Fellowship looks *perfect*. The weakest of the bunch is probably Boromir, but even he looks great. The hobbits looks especially amazing. Also, I can’t wait to HULK SMASH everyone with that awesome Hulk figure.
Thanks to forum member Blue Squadron for the hot tip!
Updated: Keep up with the latest happenings with Brickset‘s Huw as he tours ToyFair and uploads his photos. We’ll have our own coverage later today by our very own bigospedros. And remember, New York ToyFair 2012 is less than a month away! FBTB will bring you our annual coverage of this huge event.