If you’re holed up in your home like a sensible person, then maybe you’ll find something in this deal. Amazon is offering a “Get 3 for the price of 2” promotion right now on a selection of board and video games. And of course we have recommendations:
- Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit (D&D Boxed Set) for $15.42. This one box set is all you need to start your role playing adventures. Just add pencils. You can also pick up the Starter Set ($12.49) as part of the promotion to augment your beginner D&D games.
- Hideo Kojima’s first Playstation-exclusive game after leaving Konami and Metal Gear behind is Death Stranding, a game set in a post apocalyptic world where you play a role in the gig economy in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Given our current situation, this game may or may not be a preview of things to come. It’s already half off at $29.99.
- Some of the Villainous expansions are on sale and part of the deal. You don’t need the base game to play them, but since each expansion maxes out at 3 players, you may need more than one. Wicked to the Core (purple box) is $19.99 and Evil Comes Prepared (orange box) is $24.97.
- Monster Hunter Iceborne Master Edition contains both the base game and the Iceborne Expansion. It’s $38.49 before the promotion. You’ll need a Playstation Plus membership to play online multiplayer, but there are ways to play it in single-player, offline mode.
- Splendor a short, 30-min or less, engine-building board game and is down to $31.70.
- I guess I should mention something LEGO-related. LEGO Jurassic World for Xbox is $13.29, LEGO DC Super-Villains for Playstation Is $19.68, The LEGO Movie 2 Video Game for Playstation is $14.99, and they are all part of the deal.
The discount is applied to the cheapest item eligible from the promotion. The selection is quite extensive so take a look and see what else is there.
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