My GCU discount is expiring. Or has expired. I can’t figure it out. I got an email saying it was over and R.I.P. and all that but I went on and saw the 20% still being applied. So, I did something I swore I wouldn’t do and that is buy some new games. These are them:
The Outer Worlds and Plants vs. Zombie: Battle for Neighborville were already on sale, so the GCU discount on top of it made them a pretty irresistible deal. The Outer Worlds came highly recommended from Nick despite Eric poopooing on it. PvZ is something that looks fun and I know one of my sons is just dying to play it. And Indivisible looks like a great RPG 2D anime game. So why not?
Took me awhile to find any games to get. All the games for Switch I get digitally, and the only other game I wanted was Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice but that’s on sale on the Sony Playstation store for way less so I got that from there. I know, I know, finding games to buy to use a discount is first world problems and probably not the smartest purchasing decision I’ve made. And this totally goes against my New Year’s resolution of finishing games before buying new ones. Ah well, c’est la vie, n’est ce pas?
(If anyone’s got any recommendations for some PS4 games, let me know. I wouldn’t be completely opposed to some Switch recommendations either)
With GCU now expired, the Prime benefit being non-existent now, and no other discount programs available from any retailer worth going to, it makes more and more sense to not jump on the release day bandwagon anymore and just wait for a good sale. Unless there’s a collector’s edition, but that’s different matter altogether.
RIP GCU. It was good while it lasted.
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